

  1. Special Session on Data-Driven Optimization of Computationally Expensive Problems, 2024 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2024), Yokohama, June 30 – July 5, 2024. (Call For Papers-CEC 2024)


  1. Special Session on Data-Driven Optimization of Computationally Expensive Problems, The 5th International Conference on Data-driven Optimization of Complex Systems (DOCS’2023), Tianjin, September 22-24, 2023. (CFPs-Data-Driven Optimization of Computationally Expensive Problems-DOCS 2023)
  2. Workshop on Data-driven Intelligence and Services for Smart Manufacturing (DDIS for SM 2023), the 9th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Machine Learning Applications, IEEE BigDataService 2023, Athens, Greece, July 17-20, 2023. (Call For Papers-IEEE BDS 2023)
  3. Special Session on Data-Driven Optimization of Computationally Expensive Problems, 2023 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2023), Chicago, July 2-5, 2023. (Call For Papers-CEC 2023)
  4. Track: ACO-SI – Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence, 2023 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2023), Lisbon, July 15-19, 2023. (Call For Papers-GECCO 2023)
  5. Special Issue on Data and Knowledge-assisted Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence. (CFPs-TETCI-SI 2023)